Man fixing shoe

There are few things that are more frustrating than breaking a heel on a pair of fancy shoes or having a leather strap get disconnected from your favorite bag. Fortunately for us, Humberto is there to make things like new again.Continue Reading

Glass of cold beer

Eric and Lori Haas opened the original Sports Grill on Sunset Drive in 1987. It quickly became known for its family-friendly atmosphere and its “famous grilled wings.” There are now seven locations in South Florida and there is no better place to watch a big game with family and friends. Continue Reading

Dr. Susan Fox and the team at Fox Vein Experts specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of venous disease including varicose veins, leg pain as well as other vascular disorders and diseases. Dr. Fox offers the newest and best minimally invasive vein procedures including; Endovenous laser ablation, ClariVein®, Ambulatory phlebectomies and ultrasound-guided, foam and traditional sclerotherapy.Continue Reading